The Pharmacy program (PharmD) encompasses both the basic and clinical sciences and is designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to the practice of pharmacy. Pharmacists work in concert with the patient and other health care providers to promote health and prevent diseases. This is achieved by assessing, monitoring, initiating and modifying patients' medication therapy to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes.

For individuals who
Have attention to detail. Enjoy learning about chemical concepts.
Looking for
Hands-on learning in state-of-the-art facilities. Rigorous STEM coursework. Community or hospital pharmacy-based internship experience.
To become
- Clinic Pharmacist
- Community Pharmacist
- Hospital Pharmacist
- Pharmaceutical Sales
- Vaccinologist
The current entry-level PharmD curriculum is designed to give you the professional competencies necessary to enter pharmacy practice in any setting to ensure optimal medication therapy outcomes and patient safety, and to satisfy the educational requirements for licensure as a pharmacist.
The PharmD degree prepares you to accept positions in community, hospital, managed care, clinical, and industrial pharmacy. Other potential opportunities include administrative positions in pharmaceutical companies and associations. Also, teaching and research positions in universities and the pharmaceutical industry are excellent opportunities for those with advanced training in pharmacy.
There are four routes to pursue admission to NDSU’s PharmD program.
Option 1: The Early Admission Pathway
The Early Admission Pathway (EAP) to NDSU's PharmD program is designed for academically qualified high school students who want an affordable, expedited path to a PharmD degree. If you are interested in EAP, you would apply during your senior year in high school.
Option 2: The Traditional Admissions Pathway
The Traditional Admissions Pathway involves you entering the program as an undergraduate in pre-pharmacy upon meeting general admission standards of the university. Once all required pre-pharmacy coursework is satisfied, you can apply to the PharmD program. The pre-pharmacy course work may be completed at other institutions and NDSU reviews transfer records submitted and determine if equivalent to NDSU requirements.
You are admitted to the final four professional years on a competitive basis after meeting specific admission requirements of the college which can be found on the Traditional Pathway page. Students attending other institutions must maintain frequent contact with the college to determine appropriate course work.
The college is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
Option 3: The Post-Baccalaureate Pathway
Students who will hold a four-year bachelor degree in a health or STEM field on or before May 2025 are eligible to apply for admission to NDSU’s PharmD program through a new, streamlined pathway. The pathway has fewer requirements because many of our admission requirements are implicitly met by students who have completed a bachelor degree in a health or STEM field. If an applicant holds a bachelor degree in a health or STEM field and is missing key pre-requisites, we offer a means to complete those courses in the summer before starting the PharmD program.
Note: the NDSU Pharmacy Program encourages applicants holding a four-year bachelor degree in an array of health or STEM fields, from any accredited college or university that offers four-year bachelor programs.
Option 4: Pharmacy Technician Pathway
Are you a pharmacy technician who is eligible for pharmacy technician licensure in North Dakota, and who is interested in becoming a pharmacist? If so, this new pathway is designed to provide you with a streamlined pathway to meet the NDSU Pharmacy Program’s admission requirements. If you completed a pharmacy technician program at a college or university and received academic credit for your program, all of those credits will count towards meeting our admission requirements.
Differential Tuition
Students in the pharmacy professional program (i.e, the final five years of study for students on the early admission path, and the final four years for students on the traditional admission path) are assessed a different tuition rate. This differential tuition is assessed to cover the higher costs associated with the program.
Current Curriculum
The curriculum leading to the Pharm.D. degree requires a minimum of six years of study. Approximately 77 semester hours are required in the pre-professional curriculum. The vast majority of required pre-professional courses (listed by name and number) must be completed by the end of spring term prior to admission to the professional program for traditional path students, or for early admission students, the final four years of the professional program. A maximum of six elective credits may be taken during the summer prior to entrance in the professional program.
The four-year professional program is divided into three years of didactic education on campus and one year (40 weeks) of experiential training (advanced pharmacy practice experience) with qualified preceptors at various practice sites. Additional introductory experiential training occurs during the summer sessions following the first and second years of the professional program, as well as during the third professional academic year. A wide variety of experiential rotation offerings are available to students. Students should plan to travel outside the Fargo-Moorhead area to fulfill their experiential program requirements.
Our pharmacy program partners with PioneerRx, a pharmacy management system, to simulate the functions of today’s pharmacies.